Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry X-Mas (or other)

I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday season

Grace and Love

-Leandrow Thomas

Sunday, December 20, 2009

St. Nick

Everyone should know who santa is. I believed faithfully in santa until up to 7 or 8. I was shocked when I found out he wasn't a real person. It was Christmas eve, but it didn't really affect me I was too mesmorized by my gift to care. I've had an epiphany. Santa doesn't necessarily have to be a man. To me he is a being. He shows himself a lot at christmas time, he's a positive spirit that gives people generousity, love, and unity. Although if you ask me personally Santa is another for god.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Classic: Having lasting significance or worth.
2.Belonging to the highest rank or class.
You know how they say If you look up blah blah blah up in the dictionary you'll see my face. Well if you ever need the definition of classic, look right here. I can't think of any group, or artist that better fits this category than, The Temptations.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Malice in wonderland

Snoop dogg. We all love him as an artist, but I'm asking all of you to look a little closer. Try listening to some of his songs that aren't so popular. He talks about some dark things. His new album Malice in a wonderland. Sound like a normal album until you diagnose what is means. Malice: A legal term describing the intent to harm. Snoop Dogg.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day

The White House hung a red ribbon in honor of World AIDS Day.
My prayers go out to everyone affected by AIDS/HIV.

Keep it original

Monday, November 30, 2009

Waste of Skin

First, to start, I am NOT the type of person to hate when someone is doing good. So first of all I want to congradulate Birdman on his new album. Hope it sells well. I'm sure he's already making money and helping his family. A very wise man once told me this, "With great power, comes great responsibility. Remember that pete". :) He didn't exactly tell me, but its true! Just because you have "Money to Blow" doesn't you mean you go and blow it on marijuana, dumb tattoos and jewelry. Instead of getting a big red star on his (large) bald head; maybe he should have donated to charity. If you didn't get anything from this, the main point I want you to understand is think things over before you do them.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey everyone. What type of music do you listen to? I listen to everything: But I think the most influential for me is hip hop. It's changed america some good, but a lot BAD. (lately) Have you just stopped and said, what am I listening to????? Some people like Nas. Lupe fiasco, and Drake are trying to say something in their music. Its not all about drugs, smoking, money, girls, and cars either. You might find it funny but you eat music; And you are what you eat. A party song is good, but if your listening to party songs all the time (that have no positive message) then there is problem. In this post if you didn't get anything out of it, watch what you listen to.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Something... different I like..

Yup MULAN!!! I love the movie, plot, and mushu. Isn't it crazy that it came out in 1998! go watch it some time. Also check out "make a man out of you". Its a song in the movie that in eighth grade my choir had to sing. Its actually good too.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hey everyone, my cousin Richard hooked me up with the book. I'm sure he did it to help me so I'm advising all of you to go and read it for yourselves. I'm sure it'll change your life. Check it out its called Mere Christianity.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

This Generation..

Everyone has their own opinions of this generation. From you grandpa to you mom. In any case this generation won't make any progress unless we help each other. In one of my older post (called swag out (go read it)) I spoke about helping out people. Before we do ANYTHING we have to help ourselves. "How can the goverment fix other places when he ain't fixed home yet..?" A blind man can't lead another blind man.

Stay on your grind for your sake

Peace and love
Leandrow Thomas

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Slow Jamz

Everyone has an old but still great favorite. Slow Jamz bring together many generations; like your grandpa and you can both like the same song. It'll be the same when were old and were dancing with our grandchildren to songs made now. What's your favorite Slow Jam??

Friday, October 23, 2009

Winter sadness..

Hey fellow bloggers. Hows everything coming? I haven't blogged in a while. School's been rough, its definitly keep me occupied. Anyways That time of the year is coming up.... again. It all seems to quick. I've written a poem about winter. tell me what you think: I am not ready for the blistering cold. Depression comes with these white crystals, but I wont fold. I drag my damp boots through this freezing powder, with my teeth chattering louder and louder. Seems like theres no end; and it hasn't even started!! but its clear to see that summer and I, have departed. Try to hold through the green grass and leaves have not yet perished, so lets make the best of FALL, before were not able to cherish.

Friday, September 18, 2009

iAm the tank man

If you aren't informed on the tank man I would be more than happy to tell you. There was death and killings in China. It wasn't gang violence though; it was china's goverment. INNOCENT people were being shot and killed for rioting against these killings. In perhaps one of the most brutal times of all this killing one man, had enough courage to stand in front a colum of tanks. STOP, he exclaimed. Didn't budge or show any sign of intimidation. Shockingly no gunshot hit him, instead the tank tried to move around. Even more shocking, he jumped in the way to which and everyway the tank went. The "Tank Man" repersents the voice of positive rebellion, courage, the voice of a whole city into one person, and much more. After about twenty minutes of him not moving, he was move by some passing civillians that were concerned for him. Are you a tank man?
Stay on your grind, for your sake
Leandrow Thomas

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My portion

So everyone know about the Kanye West incident I'm guessing. If not I'll tell you. At the VMA's Taylor swift won an award for best female artist. Suddenly we see kanye west next to her, he takes the microphone from taylor and says (basically) that she didn't deserve it beyonce did. Without another word he shrugs and walks off. If you disagree with my opinion of this comment on it. Kanye West is definitly one of my idols, the time to do that was wrong. Although all he was doing was speaking his mind. Keep in mind ITS BEYONCE(!!) and also keep in mind it KANYE WEST. Beyonce is the hardest working woman is show business. Kanye west is infamous for his antics at award shows. It should have been expected. None the less it was an expression of his opinion.. just at the wrong time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

For Respect

So I'm sitting here thinking of how I can pay my respects to all of the people who died in nine eleven. I'm not going to write about what I think really happened or all the theories that are out there. All I want is for everyone who reads this to take at least ten seconds in silence. Even if you've don't a bunch of times today. I'm sure you would want someone to respect your death. So please 10 seconds and then comment if you'd please
Stay on your grind for your sake
Leandrow Thoms

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Its all good

Hey bloggers! How many of you guys are back in school? I am, and wew big transition. I have a lot more homework and late nights. Sorry for the lack of post but you have to take care of your main priorties, before anything. I'm anticipating getting a labtop so I can blog EVERYDAY. I'm going to need your guys support though. The more followers the more reason I have to get a labtop. But back to school; How are you guys doing?? Comment your gpa's if you have em or just your best and worst grade. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW, don't think it doesn't matter. After you read this go to "Comment" and put in your grades. Thanks for the new AND old followers
Stay on your grind
Leandrow Thomas

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stay tuned..

Hey fellow bloggers. How's school going? Its kinda hard to click back to your school brain, but whatever you do stay on your grind. I'm getting in touch with a wonderful person. (So I can blog to you guys about her). So stay tuned to my blog. Go ahead and go through some older post tell me what you think I'll definitly look at them. For those that aren't following: how else are you going to stay in touch? So go ahead scroll up and at the top click that follow bar. I will see you guys soon.
Stay on your grind, Love god and he'll return the favor
Leandrow Thomas

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Two unknowns...

This guy might be my favorite rapper. His rap name is shai linne. He is the intellectual type that also will make you think. He'll probably make you reconsider your lifestyle so go ahead youtube him. Check out this song called "as the hour draws near"

Second, one of my great favorites: Lupe Fiasco. Hes the intellectual type of rapper that will make you think too. Thankfully his much anticipated album is coming out named lasers. So go check it out, see if you like it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Keep it up

Ohkay, I have my chance for the fashion thing. My first good idea is to include you (the fellow bloggers) in my shirt but I don't have enough followers; So if you could keep following and tell your followers/friends about it. Thanks
Stay on your grind for you sake
Leandrow Thomas

Thursday, August 20, 2009

To be iOriginal

I call myself iOriginal because its a necessity to be original. If your life isn't original and different then you don't differ from ever other unoriginal person. (Then what is your purpose?). To be origianl is to have your own style way of carrying yourself and the way your treat life. (Swag, if you will). Most people are trying to take the easy way out of things, putting little effort into everything they do. So ask yourself this; How much time are you putting into your post?? For those with summer reading; How often do you read and how much?? For those who are starting and have already started school, do you have a goal gpa? Or what is your gpa now? "If you fail the plan you plan to fail."
Stay on your grind for your sake
Leandrow Thomas

P.S.: Read "Stay on your grind and comment please and thank you"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To stay on your grind..

Some of you may have noticed but after the end of my recent posts I put stay on your grind. When I put this I don't mean go out sell drugs, or go kill some body. I mean progress yourself in every way positive (in a respectible way). This means to get your grades on lock, to RESPECT your parents (and honor your mother and father), try and make sure theres nothing to be ashamed of. For example I've seen some very dope pages like Cutting edge (Olivia), xaheadofmytimex (cj), life of the jet setter (diggy). They talk about things close to them in a respectible way. Others talk about things and swear in every sentence and just aren't respectible. Sorry if I didn't shout out your page because there are other dope pages and I reckognize; you guys are staying on your grind
Stay on your grind for your sake
Leandrow Thomas

P.S.: Still need followers special thanks to my first 31 followers

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hey everybody, I went to cedar point for the third time yesterday (August 16, 09). Super fun!! I'm a ride warrior!! I'm going to need your help! I'm trying to do some big things with fashion but don't have enough followers. I need your help, so follow!! Then I will see where this goes.
Stay on your grind for sake.
Leandrow Thomas


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Your Street Lights

You know how your parents and your parents friends always tell you that life goes by so quick. It really does. Some choices you make may define your whole life. Say you want to try something new and you start drinking and get caught, then get hit by a car. Then what? Please do not take one single moment for granted. Life is like a highway at night time. Every moment is a street light. Your just sitting in the back waiting to get to your destination.
Streetlight glowing, ARE just like moments passing right in front of you. Where's your destination?? What are you going to do on your way
Stay on your grind for your sake
Leandrow Thomas

P.S.: Keep following thanks

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Swag out..

Now usually I don't use this term, but I needed a way to attrack the "youth's" attension. No one in this world love you, more than you. As the next generation we have surpass the previous generation. We have to pass them by far. We will be responsible for our country. If we unite nothng can stop us. If one helps another and so on. Everyone will be helped. People say you can't save everyone. Thats true if you have an attitude like that. Where is that point of view going to get you? We have to show the world we can do anything, and live it up (respectibly).
Yesterday I walked past a man, he said excuse me I just got jumped and I'm just trying to get some change to get on the bus. I would have begged every person I seen for money just for that dude. I felt horrible. "I got love for my brothers, but we can never go no where unless we share with each other". We can do anything IN THE WORLD if we unite and put our minds to it.
Its time for us as people to start making some changes; Lets change the way eat, lets change the way we live, lets change the way we treat each other. You see, the old wasn't working so it on US to do what we have to do... to survive.
Stay on your grind for you sake
Leandrow Thomas

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Think of the things your doing now. It will become you legacy. I was wondering what will people think of me when I'm gone. It could be depressing to think about; depending on what you do in your time. Try to not do anything that you won't be able to proclaim. Be proud of you life.
People will rejoice when They Reminisce Over You
Stay on your grind for you sake (Keep follow and thanks)
Leandrow Thomas

Sunday, August 9, 2009


If you support change read and comment. Our nation is corrupt. There are many noticable errors in our country. Only ceertain parts of the goverment can tell wheather or not these flaws are accidental. Luckily not everyone in america is stupid. We can tell if our country is being polluted with these drugs, famines, ghettos, and wars. Only the people with help from god can cure our country. It starts with your faith and your help. Democracy meaning people; this country will need the people's help (and since my blog hasn't gone global YOUR INCLUDED). Help your country as much as you can. (comment me on what you're going to do to help)
Its time that we stand together
Stay on your grind for your sake,
Leandrow Thomas

P.S.: I haven't met my follower goal yet keep following!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The uprising..

Hey followers and non-followers. Glad to see your reading my post(s) and if you can don't forget to comment on some of my other posts. My follower count isn't as large as desired but with your help my blog can become a movement. Stay posted, become a follower, or just support by telling someone.
Stay on your grind, and Original
Leandrow Thomas

P.S.: I currently have 17 followers!!! I want at least 23 before tuesday FOLLOW

Friday, August 7, 2009

City Mission

Today (august 7, 2009) I was down at my church's offspring coorperation (The city mission). They've been holding a three day long camp and today there. He was a former NBA player. He was very influencial. We were taught about character; who you are when no one's looking, never quiting, and the necessity to read. Please stay on your grind for your own sake.
Stay tuned and Original
Leandrow Thomas

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Sorry, for those who are following my blog that I haven't ben able to post anything. 3 days ago I got back from toledo where I started my blog. There was a labtop there where I did all my blogging. Now I'm back in my home city and I have no way to update my blog. I have to get on my grind.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

They're real!!

Check these out! Have you ever seen that episode of south park where they're talking about fish sticks. Then kanye get told the joke and gets offended. He actually commented about it, in real life! These air yeezys were made in dedication of that. They cost 1500

Saturday, July 25, 2009

August 4th (Until Changed)

Hey followers (and others). I'm going on vacation to wisconsin, and won't be able to access a computer or anyway to update my blog. So I'm warning now, I won't be able to post anything up until august 4th. I've been working on this blog for about a week. I've decided I'm going to start broadcasting it and getting the word out on August 4th. This does not mean you can't tell you blogspot friends about it in that time though. Hope you enjoy my previous blogs and anticipate more.

Peace, Creativity, Originality

The Kanye Benefit Program

So today (July 26, 2009), Fuse premiered a Kanye west concert. Its purpose was to help kids get back into school, improve the drop out percent (which WAS 50%), and congradulate those who were staying on there grind in school. As usual; kanye went hard and gave everyone what they were yerning and screaming for. Its nice to see good people doing good things and devoting themselves to a good cause...

Friday, July 24, 2009


Situation: Your a freshman. 2 quarters into your year you meet a person you like a lot. You guys are having a great relationship with occasional problems (like a normal couple). 4th quarter comes and your tiring of being in a relationship. Graduation comes and your boy/girl friend brings up a date over the summer. You assumed that you were going to take a break as a couple and resume the relationship at the beginning of the year. The boy/girl friend wants to stay together, because he/she believes thats what a couple should do. Would you risk a great bond between a great person who thinks your.. great? Or stay together, dispite your digression of enthusiasm in the relationship?

Thank you

I know everyone has their influences; but kanye west has done more than influence me. He's helped me do what I want without worrying about the outcome, just knowing I CAN do what I want. Knowing he did what he did coming from where he did, gave me that push out of the nest. Now I'm spreading my wings waiting to soar.
"Ever wonder what it all really means??.. Ever wonder if you'll find your dream?

My ego

Everybody has an ego. Your ego is your personality and the way your express it. PROCLAIM your ego. Don't be afraid. Be good to your ego: And your ego will return the favor. Your ego is your best friend. Its always there, some people take years and even lifetimes to find their ego. Some people have an ego that is hard to miss (like me). Believe in yourself and your ego and watch what happens..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back in the day..

whew. I remember back in the day when things were good. Where you would make the best of what you had, even if you in the hood. When you were young not a care in the world. All you were worried about was a young dude or a young girl. I was amazed at the littlest of things. When you would ask your mom for a quarter to put in one of those machines. Adults tell me now; enjoy your time when your young. Then I tell them, you should enjoy your time too, your time isn't done. As for the good days: They haven't left. Even if you can't do the same things in the same ways. We all go through good days, we just have to see. Be thankful for what you have; and content you will be.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


There are countless amounts of pain. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you never experienced pain. Some of us unintentionally swim around in our pain (self pity) and never get over it. Some, put themselves under pain to help someone else make it through their pain. Some pain is followed by undescribable beauty. Some pain is unforgettable. Some get hurt at a point in which they will cause pain to anyone in their path. Be careful on how you handle your pain. Try to evaluate before acting.
Let god deal with the things they do, becasue hate in your heart will consume you too

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Beginning of...

I've been looking for an outlet. I feel I'm special. Every teen has their ideas, but I KNOW mine are special. I can tell god wants me to accel. I came from poverty to a nice house clothes food a roof and a wonderful loving family. I have to repay everyone that helped me.. for everything. I'm not sure yet, but I will.... Welcome to