Monday, November 30, 2009

Waste of Skin

First, to start, I am NOT the type of person to hate when someone is doing good. So first of all I want to congradulate Birdman on his new album. Hope it sells well. I'm sure he's already making money and helping his family. A very wise man once told me this, "With great power, comes great responsibility. Remember that pete". :) He didn't exactly tell me, but its true! Just because you have "Money to Blow" doesn't you mean you go and blow it on marijuana, dumb tattoos and jewelry. Instead of getting a big red star on his (large) bald head; maybe he should have donated to charity. If you didn't get anything from this, the main point I want you to understand is think things over before you do them.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey everyone. What type of music do you listen to? I listen to everything: But I think the most influential for me is hip hop. It's changed america some good, but a lot BAD. (lately) Have you just stopped and said, what am I listening to????? Some people like Nas. Lupe fiasco, and Drake are trying to say something in their music. Its not all about drugs, smoking, money, girls, and cars either. You might find it funny but you eat music; And you are what you eat. A party song is good, but if your listening to party songs all the time (that have no positive message) then there is problem. In this post if you didn't get anything out of it, watch what you listen to.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Something... different I like..

Yup MULAN!!! I love the movie, plot, and mushu. Isn't it crazy that it came out in 1998! go watch it some time. Also check out "make a man out of you". Its a song in the movie that in eighth grade my choir had to sing. Its actually good too.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hey everyone, my cousin Richard hooked me up with the book. I'm sure he did it to help me so I'm advising all of you to go and read it for yourselves. I'm sure it'll change your life. Check it out its called Mere Christianity.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

This Generation..

Everyone has their own opinions of this generation. From you grandpa to you mom. In any case this generation won't make any progress unless we help each other. In one of my older post (called swag out (go read it)) I spoke about helping out people. Before we do ANYTHING we have to help ourselves. "How can the goverment fix other places when he ain't fixed home yet..?" A blind man can't lead another blind man.

Stay on your grind for your sake

Peace and love
Leandrow Thomas

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Slow Jamz

Everyone has an old but still great favorite. Slow Jamz bring together many generations; like your grandpa and you can both like the same song. It'll be the same when were old and were dancing with our grandchildren to songs made now. What's your favorite Slow Jam??