Friday, September 18, 2009

iAm the tank man

If you aren't informed on the tank man I would be more than happy to tell you. There was death and killings in China. It wasn't gang violence though; it was china's goverment. INNOCENT people were being shot and killed for rioting against these killings. In perhaps one of the most brutal times of all this killing one man, had enough courage to stand in front a colum of tanks. STOP, he exclaimed. Didn't budge or show any sign of intimidation. Shockingly no gunshot hit him, instead the tank tried to move around. Even more shocking, he jumped in the way to which and everyway the tank went. The "Tank Man" repersents the voice of positive rebellion, courage, the voice of a whole city into one person, and much more. After about twenty minutes of him not moving, he was move by some passing civillians that were concerned for him. Are you a tank man?
Stay on your grind, for your sake
Leandrow Thomas

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My portion

So everyone know about the Kanye West incident I'm guessing. If not I'll tell you. At the VMA's Taylor swift won an award for best female artist. Suddenly we see kanye west next to her, he takes the microphone from taylor and says (basically) that she didn't deserve it beyonce did. Without another word he shrugs and walks off. If you disagree with my opinion of this comment on it. Kanye West is definitly one of my idols, the time to do that was wrong. Although all he was doing was speaking his mind. Keep in mind ITS BEYONCE(!!) and also keep in mind it KANYE WEST. Beyonce is the hardest working woman is show business. Kanye west is infamous for his antics at award shows. It should have been expected. None the less it was an expression of his opinion.. just at the wrong time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

For Respect

So I'm sitting here thinking of how I can pay my respects to all of the people who died in nine eleven. I'm not going to write about what I think really happened or all the theories that are out there. All I want is for everyone who reads this to take at least ten seconds in silence. Even if you've don't a bunch of times today. I'm sure you would want someone to respect your death. So please 10 seconds and then comment if you'd please
Stay on your grind for your sake
Leandrow Thoms

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Its all good

Hey bloggers! How many of you guys are back in school? I am, and wew big transition. I have a lot more homework and late nights. Sorry for the lack of post but you have to take care of your main priorties, before anything. I'm anticipating getting a labtop so I can blog EVERYDAY. I'm going to need your guys support though. The more followers the more reason I have to get a labtop. But back to school; How are you guys doing?? Comment your gpa's if you have em or just your best and worst grade. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW, don't think it doesn't matter. After you read this go to "Comment" and put in your grades. Thanks for the new AND old followers
Stay on your grind
Leandrow Thomas