Sunday, January 31, 2010


Obama's slogan was change, if you didn't remember.? I don't expect to see anything immediate, but you need a certain mentality to change, and from what I'm seeing were headed for the same ol same ol. That worries me so much, that's why when I hear old school song talking about change, I get discouraged because we've digressed so much. WAKE UP! check these two songs out for me, Bill Withers: "Lean On Me" and Teddy Pendergrass "Wake Up". All you have to do is gon on youtube and type those in, just do me that favor. We need change, do your part PLEASE, if not for obama, this country, your possible children, your family then for ME!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Where to start? I know I'm no one's judge but hypocrites anger me to a point where I (urgently) need to calm down. Don't say you believe one thing and then live a different way. Don't live one way and say you believe such and such. Having a change of mind/heart, ohkay great fine, but don't live your live having a change of heart/mind EVERYDAY. "I'm a christian, yet I believe gay men should get married, even though he thinks they're an abomination and two should never unite as lovers". WHAT?! that makes NO sense. It's called being lukewarm, and it angers god too. Either be on one side or the other don't be on the line!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Sorry again, finals been stressing me. A LOT! so I was trying to focus on school. ACADEMICS FIRST! (it'd be messed up if I spelled that wrong). They're all done though, and I'm free to blog! FEELS GOOD STILL GETTING LOVE ON MY BLOG. so stay tuned, for more greatness.

Grace & Peace

Leandrow Thomas

Friday, January 15, 2010


Please do your best to help as much as you can for the people in haiti. They need us, you'd want help and food and shelter, they want it to. So please do your best to help. And everything does, a dollar is good, if that's all you can afford. Now is not a time to be selfish (neither) is anytime, but now lives are at stake. And you could save someone.

Grace & Peace

Leandrow Thomas

Thursday, January 14, 2010


My heart goes out to all those affected by the earthquake in haiti

Grace and Peace

Leandrow Thomas

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hey fellow bloggers, sorry for no post in a while. I'm in the process in making a post just about me and where I'm at right now. So please be patient, and tune in. Thanks.

Grace and Peace

Leandrow Thomas

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The World Can't Hold Me, Too Much Ambition

Some people get unfair advantages (and disadvantages). None of us are born "neutral" in life, either way, we have to keep fighting. Some have to fight harder than others. I don't care how many obsticles I'm faced with, how many disadvantages are given to me, I WILL overcome. Failure is not an option. I know I'm not acheiving to my highest potential, but I have something new, a mind. My ideas are different, and if anything, the least I want is a lasting legacy I can proud of. I don't care if I'm known, I just want my ideas to be known so maybe I can help someone. 6 billion people, I know theres someone that went through something alike me and if my words and ideas reach that one person then I will feel fufilled. Fellow bloggers I have to encourage you too, if you have something to say, SAY IT. Only if it's positive. Wars, deaths, diseases, a recession, we don't need any more negative aspects on earth. I've always had a feeling, like god was hinting me, "your going to do something helpful". I know I will, I can sense it. My ambition and goals are through the roof, I won't let myself down, ever again!

Friday, January 1, 2010

One Man.

We (as humans) do disgusting things. We know what's right and wrong yet, we still do what's wrong so we can live what we think is right. Personally I don't think we have the right to decide how we live we need some type of higher diety to govern our decisions. Another shared this lifestyle choice with me, and his name was Martin Luther King Jr. His actions and determination had him reckognize by a whole a nation. Probably more than america. Martin Luther King Jr. has to TWO holidays in january (his birthday and a day dedicated to him). The thing that is most amazing is that ANYONE of us can do more than what he did. He was just one man, and changed america (along with others). Imagine what ALL of us can do.